Monday, December 14, 2009

From Male Objectification to Female Representation

For my final project I have decided to write an essay that discusses how male artist of the early  twentieth century objectified the nude and how later on in the century female artist chose to comment on this depiction with the use of their own body. The male artist that I discuss are Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. What these three male artist have in common is that they were thought to have a brand new avant-garde approach to art making yet they still continued to objectify the nude. The female artists that reacted to this depiction and that I have decided to discuss are Carolee Shneemann and Hannah Wilke which through their performances bring up the social issue of the female role in society and their place in the art world. I also briefly bring up how women artists are taking a stand against the institution and through groups like the Guerrilla Girls they are informing the general public about the pervasive presence of the female form but not the female artist in the museum world. And how through works of different artists changes are slowly starting to happen and more people are aware of the unfair facts.

I have also attached a powerpoint of my essay which is a brief summary of my topic.

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