In my journey to discover how various young women feel about the negative images of women that are put out by the Media, and how if in any way they are effected, I was sent in a new direction. After I finished my interviews and sat down to edit them, my original ideas and intent were out the window. I stumbled across another very interesting topic of which we can all relate to in one way or the other, Fashion.
I created a short video documentary in which I interviewed two young women about Fashion and the Media's effect on it. My first interview was of a Fashionista and the second was an aspiring Designer. I asked them various questions to get a glance of how they thought the Media effects fashion in either a negative or positive way. I made a connection between these two young women as I interviewed them, which was their blind passion for fashion.
As I started the interviews I began to ask questions that sparked a light bulb in my mind. How accountable are we for the negative images out in the Media? Are we victims or participators? Many young women are well aware of the standards set by society for us, but don't realize how they help these images to continue to exist. My short video documentary isn't meant to point fingers or to shed a negative light on young women, but to help them to realize how innocent hobbies or interests may help negative images to stay alive.
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A blog for the Hunter College Women and Media class Fall 2009
Due Monday 12/14 Final Projects!
Due Monday 12/7 Final Projects!
___________________________________________ Due Monday 11/30 READINGS On Blackboard: A Cyberroom of One's Own - Sarah Stein Feminist Art Practice and the Mass Media - Pen Dalton Cyberspace: The New Feminist Frontier - Gillian Youngs
2 bookmarks on delicious ____________________________________________ Due Monday 11/23 Final project proposal update (1 page) and bibliography (at least 10 consulted sources) Final project work-in-progress in class presentations ________________________________________ Due Monday 11/16 Visitor Cheryl Furjanic --filmmaker and Professor at NYU Post 5 Due Choose and research a female film director/screenwriter and a single work or several works. Describe their approach to film making and explain their role as auteur. Using references to the readings and references to your own research (be sure to cite) explain the work, especially as it relates to auteur theory. How does the filmmaker explain their work and their process? How are the works and filmmakers received? How are they critiqued?
Readings Due Sync Or Swim by Cheryl Furjanic (on Blackboard) and explore the website
Due Monday 11/9 On Black board: Introduction "Making Movie Magic" from Reel to Real by bell hooks "Author/Autor: Feminist Literary Theory and Feminist Film" by Maggie Humm "Debra Zimmerman and Women Make Movies" and Catherine Saalfield: Art and Activism" by Judith Redding and Victoria A. Brownworth
Please look at the Women Make Movies website ____________________________________ Due Monday 11/2 Post 4 Due Research and discuss an alternative news organization or independent news source that is by or for women. You can also choose to concentrate on a specific person. Explain the publication or online source in depth, explain it's origins and why it is successful or necessary as an alternative media source. What is the role of gender in these subjects?
We will be reviewing some of your posts in class on 11/2, please read your fellow students posts and be sure to post a few comments.
Diversity in Media Ownership & Employment (a list of resources and articles-- read through a few) _________________________________
Due Monday 10/26 1 page Project Proposal for final projects printed and handed in- description of content and the medium you will use to create it. Use visuals if necessary: sketches, still images etc. Also include possible resources (A full bibliography will be required later with the project.)
_______________________________ Due WEDNESDAY 10/14 **Post 3 Using all of your readings, class discussions and critiques of advertising images and the sexism, racism and power hierarchies found in so many of these, find or construct an alternative to these mainstream images and explain why it is different. Carefully draw out advertising strategies and goals and provide alternative paths for the industry or alternative anti-advertising messages. **READINGS 1.Susan Bordo -- "Hunger as Ideology" from Unbearable Weight 2.Maggie Wykes/Barrie Gunter --"Conclusion" from The Media and Body Image 3.Naomi Wolf -- "Culture" from The Beauty Myth Media's Effect On Girls: Body Image And Gender Identity from National Institute of Media and the Family Final project topics due. _______________________________ Due MONDAY 10/05 **No POST due READINGS: **4 short essays from Gender Race and Class in Media -Sex Lies and Advertising - Steinem Ms. Magazine -Beauty and the Beast of Advertising - Jean Kilbourne -Reading Images Critically - Douglas Kellner -Commodity Lesbianism - Danae Clark **Provocateur -Anthony Cortese - Constructed Bodies, Deconstructing Ads Sexism in Advertising **2 bookmarks on delicious _______________________________ Due TUESDAY 9/29 **POST 2 On ways of seeing (300 words minimum) Please answer the following questions based on your readings and class discussion. Use your own experiences and realizations to help illustrate your understanding of the material.
What is the male gaze and why is it a pervasive form of vision in popular culture? Give illustrative examples in a variety of media. What is the oppositional gaze and why (as described by bell hooks) has it developed? Give examples. How have you come to understand these structures and in what ways has this understanding changed your views about various media examples and of your own identity and role in these structures?
** READINGS "Women as Audience" by Carolyn M.Byerly and Karen Ross Introduction to Where the Girls Are - Susan Douglas "The More You Subtract The More You Add: Cutting Girls Down to Size" by Jean Kilbourne **2 bookmarks on delicious ____________________________________________ Due 9/21 ** READINGS John Berger - Ways of Seeing (chapters 2& 3) bell hooks - The Oppositional Gaze Laura Mulvey - Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema **2 bookmarks on delicious ___________________________________________
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