Monday, November 2, 2009

Center for the Advancement of Women

The Center for the Advancement of Women is a a not-for-profit orginization founded in 1995 that conducts opininated research about women to measure experience in their daily lives. Through this research, the Center for the Advancement of Women are able to exhibit a "profile of women" to educate politicians, opinion leaders and the general public. CFAW believes that "research is the fuel necessary to advocate compellingly for women." Conducting all women surveys based on various topics such as current events, health related issues,the econnomy, workplace, and lifestyle choices to name a few allows them to be able to interpret and analyze women's opinions/attitudes that aren't accounted for enough. Some past research the Center for the Advancement of Women have held are "Women After 9/11," "Women and Religion," "Women in Science and Technology," and "Progress and Perils."
Below, President Faye Wattleton and co-founder of CFAW welcomes you!

Center for the Advancement of Women Welcome Video from Ctr for the Advancement of Women on Vimeo.

According to the website, " CFAW is building an incredible reputation for creating and packaging it research for broad- based media interest. The capacity to produce well crafted, creative advocacy campaigns, using several spokepersons, within short intervals will generate momentum to extend their impact to diverse audiences."

Based on what I have observed through their website, I am surprised that I haven't heard of this great organization before. Granted, Faye Wattleton/ CFAW has been featured or quoted in several pieces of media such as the Pittsburg Post- Gazette, CNN, Good Morning America, and the Today Show, this program deserves more public recognization. CFAW is helping the cause to give women a voice and bringing forth their issues and concerns to policy makers and the general public. I am impressed with how technologically modern CFAW is to promote thier cause by using blog, and thier own YouTube channel. In fact, here is one their various videos below. This is an interview in which the president is addressing what is CFAW's role in causing change:

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