Womens News Network-- Global Breaking News Portal:
The WNN, Women News Network, shares news about international women that is not found in public main stream. It is a non-profit media news network that won awards for bringing women stories forward to share with the world. One award the WNN was honored for was the Every Human Has Rights media award. This media network for women is a global outreach for people all over the world to try and gain equality for all women, and to help share their stories. Its hard to believe that this news network started from a writing assignment in 2006 for the UN of the Status of Women to cover global women’s news, because today it is a growing and vast women’s news network. The WNN has not only articles to read, but films and videos, news feeds, blogs for people to post, a twitter account, it gives attention to various other women’s advocate sites, and more. This news network is a great portal for women of all ages and races to connect with people globally and share their story to hopefully one day gain equality and not be so overshadowed and empowered by this male dominated world.
Thanks for posting this- I was not aware & will now follow this news feed.