Women’s eNews is an online source of news and media geared toward women and their allies. The website is http://www.womensenews.org. Rita Henley Jensen is the founder and editor in chief. Women’s eNews mission statement is as follows “Mission Statement Women's eNews is the definitive source of substantive news--unavailable anywhere else--covering issues of particular concern to women and providing women's perspectives on public policy. It enhances women's ability to define their own lives and to participate fully in every sector of human endeavor.” Women’s eNews is an independent online news agency for women created by women. The articles and stories are published by freelance writers who journal about every subject including religion, culture, sports, politics, science, etc. There are podcasts that can be downloaded for easy to go news. There are also commentaries and a special section each week on “uncovering gender”. There’s even a weekly editorial cartoon. The eNews organization was launched in 2000. Since then they have received a surmountable number of awards including a Pulitzer prize for the weekly editorial cartoon, Rita Henley Jensen’s award given by Columbia university on being a journalism graduate, and even a new media category award given in 2007 for delivering media of perspective and excellence. The thought of Women’s eNews came to fruition in 1996 in a roundtable discussion between NOW Legal Defense and the Barbara Lee Family Foundation. They are funded by private donors, a multitude of sponsors like Kellogg’, the United Nations, and Carnegie Corp. The board of directors is a diverse group of people of which there is one man. Women’s eNews states that they exist because other media sources do not serve women. The purpose for this outlet and media coverage is to serve the lenses and perspective of how women view, think, and feel about current issues in the world. Women eNews even offers there site in Arabic trying to reach women cross-culturally and globally. There also happens to be a “sisterspace” which is a blog related toward specifically African American women issues. The link is in the top of the post; click it and enjoy this website because I did.
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