Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Men Giving a Helping Hand

I think because of the nature and women and men, women, more and more throughout history where victimized of being house slaves. I especially think because of our negative media sources, which helps push this negative view point of the male (the male gaze). I am not saying women shouldn't give birth to children and do best they naturally do, but I am saying that men can help out in many things that women do. For example, in house choirs or cooking and cleaning, if ads where produced showing men helping out in the house, I am sure men will pick up on this and start helping out in the house. I believe if there where more ads which promoted men and women doing things together and switching roles, this will help us get rid of the evil image of women that now currently bombard the Internet and television.

I believe and hope one day that ads like this one, or even worse ones will never be shown in the media one day. These images are like poison to men; it is like someone giving a man poisonous ice-cream, the man eats it, and it taste so good, but deep inside it is killing him. Images like this are very harmful to our eyes. This image in particular gives the impression that men and women aren't equal, but the man is the master and the women is the horse or slave. There is nothing wrong with a wife trying to please her husband, same way there is nothing wrong with a man trying to please his wife.

I found this ad online for real estate. In this picture you see a man and a woman, side by side, the woman is dressed modestly, so is the man. They are both holding a child in their hands, the woman is not holding them both. I believe if more ads like this one where released to the public it will start something new, a new trend for self respect and equality. We are so used to seeing a man dominating a women on television, and other ads, and we are currently so use to it, some of us will not have it any other way. My hope is that some of us, who are aware of this man dominated media frenzy will try their best to put an end to this.

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