Most advertisements like to depict sexy perfect males and females with the most gorgeous, naturally tan bodies. The males with their muscular, athletic build. The females with the big boobs, and perfect ass. They have the most beautiful hair that glows, with no-frizzes, or split ends.
Their faces have no acne or blemishes; it is like they have no pores. These ads grabs anyone’s attention, and make them believe that they need to look like that; when in reality the people in the ads do not really look like that. Featuring a normal average person in these ads without make-up or Photoshop would not sell, because who wants to be average in this superficial world? No one, we want to look hot, we want to grabs peoples attention, we want to look good for others because then we feel good about ourselves. Though advertisements do tend to knock us down because no matter how hard we try and what types of products we buy, we can never look like the way these sexy, hot advertisement people look.

Some companies like dove try and use real men and real women to get people to buy their product. It is risky, but it works. These people in the ads are in their under garments and all their flaws are exposed, yet they are smiling and are happy with who they are. These give individuals th
e idea that nobody is perfect, and we all have flaws, yet this product is going to make you happy and feel good about you. It is an alternative to the regular misleading ads on the perfect male and female. It makes for a healthier world. Individuals will realize that we all have flaws by looking at these ads and even
though they would probably buy the product for the sexier perfect male or female, because that’s what we want to strive for; these Dove ads go in a different direction and try to show everyone that we are all flawed and we are not perfect and can always look great, and that is what is going to help sell them aside from the perfect, I always look good ads.

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