For the longest time men have seemed to dominate the world. Women worked under men, and had to fight for their rights. Women have come so far from where they have been, yet they are still under men. Men run everything. Its a male dominated world, CEO, president, big time named directors, ect. Because of it being a male dominated world, most things are seen through the males eyes.
The media portrays women as to be objects for men. They have to look a certain. They have to be skinny, beautiful, big boobs. They wear high heels and only the latest fashions, even to the grocery store. They make women out to always having to look beautiful, when in reality nobody can always look beautiful, and live up to this media hype of women. Teenagers growing up with this concept and thinking that they have to always look beautiful in order to get a males attention or be top in a job or company is just ludicrous. Yet most fall for this male gaze and perspective, and women play with it, for their enjoyment. It's always how do I look?, does this make me look fat?, ughh I can't be seen like this!. When guys just throw on what's lying on their floor from the other night, and women still fall at their feet. As women we like that, that's why we keep entertaining men. We love compliments, we love being looked at and watched. And as much as we objectify men, having them pose certain ways, wearing what we want for our own personal entertainment, it's not as powerful for them or for us, as their gaze is for women.
I think women could go far and make it to the top if it wasn't all about looks, if we didn't let the media portray us, the way that do. If we instead grew "balls," (metaphorically speaking). If we decided to demand respect. Decide to take charge, not be objects. Theoretically, women should own men. We carry them for nine months. Without our love, and raising they would not be where they are today. They should be working for us, yet we are still let them dominate over us. We cater to them, we let them look at us the way they do, and we enjoy it.
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